Wyobraźmy sobie, że organizm ludzki jest częściowo systemem otwartym, na który mają wpływ czynniki zewnętrzne. Ja sama nie potrafię w tej chwili przyjąć jakąś miarę dla ogarnięcia powierzchni kontaktu z otaczającym środowiskiem, poprzez każdy mikrometr naszej skóry i nabłonka (oprócz naszego kontaktu przez skórę przyjmujemy przecież pokarm, oddychamy, uprawiamy seks itp.) Jesteśmy zbudowani z komórek, z substancji chemicznych, które podlegają dodatkowym procesom, gdy zmienia się ich środowisko i warunki. Nie wszystkie te procesy są korzystne dla całego systemu, jakim jest nasz organizm. Niektóre niekorzystne reakcje są odwracalne, inne postąpiły za daleko. Ze względu na to, że człowiek jest tak skomplikowanym systemem, trudność we właściwym diagnozowaniu i przeciwdziałaniu (tudzież leczeniu) polega na tym, aby we właściwym czasie uchwycić i ustalić stopień odwracalności destrukcyjnych procesów w organizmie.
Katalyse |
*Nadal szukam obrazu wpływu środowiska na komórkę. (dołączę później)
Oprócz kontaktu z „materialnymi zagrożeniami”(możliwymi do uchwycenia) istnieją jeszcze czynniki, które „przewrażliwiają nasz system”. Takim czynnikiem jest przedłużający się (chroniczny) stres. W gruncie rzeczy stres nie jest niczym złym. Ja osobiście porównałabym go z przyciskiem *DOŁADOWANIE TURBO*, którym natura wyposażyła nas by przyspieszyć i zreorganizować procesy zachodzące w organizmie, po to by np. nasz jaskiniowy dziadzio mógł w porę odskoczyć w bok od toru spadającego na niego głazu. Wyobraźcie sobie, jakie są skutki uboczne ładowania turbo w silnikach.
Oprócz kontaktu z „materialnymi zagrożeniami”(możliwymi do uchwycenia) istnieją jeszcze czynniki, które „przewrażliwiają nasz system”. Takim czynnikiem jest przedłużający się (chroniczny) stres. W gruncie rzeczy stres nie jest niczym złym. Ja osobiście porównałabym go z przyciskiem *DOŁADOWANIE TURBO*, którym natura wyposażyła nas by przyspieszyć i zreorganizować procesy zachodzące w organizmie, po to by np. nasz jaskiniowy dziadzio mógł w porę odskoczyć w bok od toru spadającego na niego głazu. Wyobraźcie sobie, jakie są skutki uboczne ładowania turbo w silnikach.
W organizmie skutki i produkty uboczne musza być również usunięte i na to organizm potrzebuje trochę czasu. W chwili, gdy ciągle mamy włączony przycisk *TURBO*, to znaczy *STRES* i gdy nie dajemy naszemu systemowi wrócić do normalnej pracy powstają trwalsze skutki zdrowotne. Warto wiec zastanowić się, co możemy zrobić, aby ten stres zredukować.
Przed rokiem pisałam już na ten temat i chętnie powtórzę to tutaj (wybaczcie mój dziecinny angielski)
Regardless of whatever we do, learn or work we feel that we need to be included in our society.The technical and scientific progress drives the live tempo. Currently we are available (online) 24 hours a day, we always improve (optimize) ourselves. We are more and more forced to spend too much time gathering and processing information. That makes us tired and exhausted. Many people complain about stress, many suffer from health problems like physical illnesses such as cardiovascular complaints, gastro-enteric problems or nervous system diseases. We have less and less physical contact with other people and digital media reinforce the process of isolation and narcissism. Because of the enormous high pressure we destroy ourselves. What are more stressful things We don't take relaxing breaks. The results are devastating effects on health condition. We are further away from each other then we were before. Maybe Isolation, Not Loneliness, Shortens Life: NPR
That is a paradox of our time, we get more and more digital friendships and get more distance to real friends. We forget to touch us, we touch our touchscreens instead. We need more love and relaxation.
Dla porównania proszę nacisnąć kolejny fragment.
Regardless of whatever we do, learn or work we feel that we need to be included in our society.The technical and scientific progress drives the live tempo. Currently we are available (online) 24 hours a day, we always improve (optimize) ourselves. We are more and more forced to spend too much time gathering and processing information. That makes us tired and exhausted. Many people complain about stress, many suffer from health problems like physical illnesses such as cardiovascular complaints, gastro-enteric problems or nervous system diseases. We have less and less physical contact with other people and digital media reinforce the process of isolation and narcissism. Because of the enormous high pressure we destroy ourselves. What are more stressful things We don't take relaxing breaks. The results are devastating effects on health condition. We are further away from each other then we were before. Maybe Isolation, Not Loneliness, Shortens Life: NPR
That is a paradox of our time, we get more and more digital friendships and get more distance to real friends. We forget to touch us, we touch our touchscreens instead. We need more love and relaxation.
Think and care about the amount of the time you sleep. Studies proove that the lack of sleep changes our genes and interferes with our mood. Effects of insufficient sleep on circadian rhythmicity PINAShttp://www.pnas.org/content/110/12/E1132.abstract?sid=5e44028d-41ce-43a6-b83a-98e989c18aa8
According to a new study people do eat more when they're short of sleep. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/03/11/174028830/sleep-less-eat-more-gain-weight
We get more aggressive or apathetic instead. We can concentrate badly. Furthermore you should not forget to do sports consistently - even if this "sport" is just walking. When you do sport, don't forget to keep it moderate.
Active against chronic stress.
In recent times, I notice a large amount of information about stress on the internet, in newspapers, in books, on radio and on TV. This is a very important topic and affects all of us whether you are young or old. I feel that all the statistics, the images, the facts, consequences (pain, diseases and death ) are very depressing. I am an open-minded, optimistic person, active and humorous, who laughs with pleasure but often the increasing reports sadden my well being.
Do you also have the impression that we begin to explain all the things in our life by stress?
I am convinced of the power and the healing effects of positive thinking and I want to promote a confident and active depletion of stress. I am not a psycho-guru who knows everything and has the tricks to roll up your soul from inside to the outside. I would like to illuminate the subject properly, sort facts and find the paths from the "crisis".
One subject is to define what stress is, what the chemistry of stress is (so the things that happen to us in our inside) and -purely academic- what stress does to us personally and for the society.
Second important spectrum is what I can do about it.
I associate the variety of tools for stress management with ... a fruit and vegetable garden. We have seeds in our hands, we have fertile earth and we need to care for the crop to be able to harvest it later on. Everything you need is already inside of you.
I am convinced of the power and the healing effects of positive thinking and I want to promote a confident and active depletion of stress. I am not a psycho-guru who knows everything and has the tricks to roll up your soul from inside to the outside. I would like to illuminate the subject properly, sort facts and find the paths from the "crisis".
One subject is to define what stress is, what the chemistry of stress is (so the things that happen to us in our inside) and -purely academic- what stress does to us personally and for the society.
Second important spectrum is what I can do about it.
I associate the variety of tools for stress management with ... a fruit and vegetable garden. We have seeds in our hands, we have fertile earth and we need to care for the crop to be able to harvest it later on. Everything you need is already inside of you.
I'll give you a few suggestions to consider. Maybe you'll find some alternatives that you can use to live a stress-free life.
1.Change your basic attitude
-Accept your crisis and failures
If you accept your life crises, failures and setbacks and if you find an object in this, you will be able to manage the way out of negative feelings.
-Defeat negative feelings
Perceive emotions such as fear, doubt and anger. You can say: Ok, I'm a human and I have emotions and it is normal that sometimes I'm afraid. I also know that I'm stronger and that I can manage to have the anxiety under control. Me and only me myself am the boss.
-Be optimistic and trust yourself.
An Optimist sees the glass half full, not half empty. Your world is full of opportunities. You trust in your ability to shape your life now and in the future. Even if it's exhausting sometimes.
-Find a meaning in your life.
If you pursue your goals, you're more satisfied than those who can only drift.
-Please smile more often.
If you laugh, you reduce stress and you're doing something good for your immune system. With humor you see the world differently colored and the laughing helps you to view stressful situations from a different angle and to defuse those.
When you smile, everyone around you will start smiling too. Smiling is infectious and exudes positivity. Smiling makes you seeming more attractive, trustworthy and approachable, while people who don't smile may appear aloof and unfriendly.
-Care contacts with friends, acquaintances, family.
Your friends help you to cope with stressful situations.
Whoever has a good social network, lives longer.
-Love yourself
Do not be so strict with yourself. No one is perfect and you do not need to be perfect. Sure, make an effort, set and try to accomplish your goals. But achieve it not at any price. Others might indeed achieve their goals, but they must spend an inordinate amount of energy. They are constantly working on their performance limits. The idea of not achieving their goals will make them sweat. The constant work above the limit leads to the disastrous exploitation of our reserves.
-Look exactly at your life.
Is your life in balance? How is your quality of life? Do my aspirations and expectations fit to my possibilities?
-Stay cool
If you make a small mistake, if you fail, don't make them larger than they are, don't paint it in black, analyse it, correct it and continue your way.
Imagine, you have a grapevine and you put in the wooden-stick that helps the plant grow straight into the sky incorrectly into the earth, pull it out and reposition it correctly. Begin to learn doing things slower and more accurate.
-Take it easy! Don't rush.
Take more time for morning rituals. That is very important.
-Have a balanced diet.
Analyse your diet. Are you eating enough vitamins and minerals? Do you drink enough water?
-Organize your time.
Time management will save you a lot of stress.
If you accept your life crises, failures and setbacks and if you find an object in this, you will be able to manage the way out of negative feelings.
-Defeat negative feelings
Perceive emotions such as fear, doubt and anger. You can say: Ok, I'm a human and I have emotions and it is normal that sometimes I'm afraid. I also know that I'm stronger and that I can manage to have the anxiety under control. Me and only me myself am the boss.
-Be optimistic and trust yourself.
An Optimist sees the glass half full, not half empty. Your world is full of opportunities. You trust in your ability to shape your life now and in the future. Even if it's exhausting sometimes.
-Find a meaning in your life.
If you pursue your goals, you're more satisfied than those who can only drift.
-Please smile more often.
If you laugh, you reduce stress and you're doing something good for your immune system. With humor you see the world differently colored and the laughing helps you to view stressful situations from a different angle and to defuse those.
When you smile, everyone around you will start smiling too. Smiling is infectious and exudes positivity. Smiling makes you seeming more attractive, trustworthy and approachable, while people who don't smile may appear aloof and unfriendly.
-Care contacts with friends, acquaintances, family.
Your friends help you to cope with stressful situations.
Whoever has a good social network, lives longer.
-Love yourself
Do not be so strict with yourself. No one is perfect and you do not need to be perfect. Sure, make an effort, set and try to accomplish your goals. But achieve it not at any price. Others might indeed achieve their goals, but they must spend an inordinate amount of energy. They are constantly working on their performance limits. The idea of not achieving their goals will make them sweat. The constant work above the limit leads to the disastrous exploitation of our reserves.
-Look exactly at your life.
Is your life in balance? How is your quality of life? Do my aspirations and expectations fit to my possibilities?
-Stay cool
If you make a small mistake, if you fail, don't make them larger than they are, don't paint it in black, analyse it, correct it and continue your way.
Imagine, you have a grapevine and you put in the wooden-stick that helps the plant grow straight into the sky incorrectly into the earth, pull it out and reposition it correctly. Begin to learn doing things slower and more accurate.
-Take it easy! Don't rush.
Take more time for morning rituals. That is very important.
-Have a balanced diet.
Analyse your diet. Are you eating enough vitamins and minerals? Do you drink enough water?
-Organize your time.
Time management will save you a lot of stress.
-Separate work and recreation.
It relieves stress after work.
2. Solve problems.
It relieves stress after work.
2. Solve problems.
-Describe your problem.
What exactly stresses you out? Who is involved in this situation? How did it come so far? What do I want to achieve and who can help me?
-If your problem is complex, section it.
-Find solutions.
-Review the ideas and choose the best.
-Make a plan.
-Put your plan into action
-How does your achievement look like?
3. Are you often angry?
Do you argue and fight a lot? Do you scream a lot? Change it.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply before you are about to scream.
You can learn how to deal with anger and easily calm down and relax after a troublesome situation.
What exactly stresses you out? Who is involved in this situation? How did it come so far? What do I want to achieve and who can help me?
-If your problem is complex, section it.
-Find solutions.
-Review the ideas and choose the best.
-Make a plan.
-Put your plan into action
-How does your achievement look like?
3. Are you often angry?
Do you argue and fight a lot? Do you scream a lot? Change it.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply before you are about to scream.
You can learn how to deal with anger and easily calm down and relax after a troublesome situation.
4.Relaxing options
-Autogenic training
-Breathing techniques
-Breathing techniques
-Thought and imagination travel
-Progressive muscle relaxation
-Qigong and Tai Chi
-Restful sleeping
-Listen to music
7 Ways to Reduce Job Stress
Stressful Jobs
As much as we wish we could, we can't separate our work lives from our home lives. But it turns out, we also we can't separate our work lives from our health...MyHealthNewsDaily
Care of your fruit and vegetable garden and good luck!
Stressful Jobs
As much as we wish we could, we can't separate our work lives from our home lives. But it turns out, we also we can't separate our work lives from our health...MyHealthNewsDaily
Care of your fruit and vegetable garden and good luck!